Brotherhood of steel fallout 4 power armor
Brotherhood of steel fallout 4 power armor

brotherhood of steel fallout 4 power armor

After completing the quests Taking Independence and Old Guns you get access to a huge sea fort and the ability to build artillery at settlements, respectively. The usefulness of this does depend on how many settlements you’ve set up and how big they are, though. Preston gives you a flare gun, which you can use in a sticky spot to call on any sympathetic Minutemen nearby to help out in a fight. What rewards do I get for joining the Commonwealth Minutemen in Fallout 4? You’d think there’d be a more stringent vetting process, but nobody asks any questions. Once you talk to Preston at Sanctuary he’ll send you on missions to help protect settlements, and will make you the General of the Minutemen in no time, provided you accept. How do I join the Commonwealth Minutemen in Fallout 4?Ĭodsworth will direct you into Concord almost immediately, where you can help Preston Garvey and his little ragtag group of survivors. Out of all of the groups the Minutemen requires the most amount of admin on your part.

brotherhood of steel fallout 4 power armor

They’re just generally nice (if idealistic) guys who want to wipe out raiders and make the wasteland a safe place for everyone. They’re down on their luck when you first come out of the vault, but can gradually build up their numbers if you help them. The main purpose of the Minutemen seems to be maintaining as many settlements of humans as possible, and wearing cool cowboy hats. After that everyone turned a bit sour on them. They’re a nice, well meaning bunch who used to look out for the general population of the Commonwealth, until they fell to internal power struggles and failed to protect a settlement. The Minutemen are the first faction you really get the opportunity to join. Commonwealth Minutemen Guide – Fallout 4 Faction Who are the Commonwealth Minutemen in Fallout 4? We’ve outlined what each of the groups is like, as well as the rewards you can get for sticking with them, to help you make up your mind. This isn’t the case in Fallout 4, where every faction out of the four you can join is generally pissed off with two of the others. In a lot of Bethesda games you get to join every group out there and end up leading them all half an hour later, despite the logical conflicts this might cause (we’re looking at you in particular, Elder Scrolls series).

Brotherhood of steel fallout 4 power armor